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Welcome to the Northwest Montana Backcountry Horsemen

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Our Purpose: To perpetuate enjoyable common sense use of horses in the back country; assist government agencies in maintenance and management of the resource; and educate, encourage and solicit active public participation in wise and sustaining use of horses and use by people commensurate with our heritage and the back-country resource.
Our Vision: To ensure stock use continues on all public lands and to expose the wonders of our wilderness and wild places to the generations through fun, inspiring and thought provoking programs and partnerships; to encourage responsible horsemanship by teaching Leave No Trace principles in the backcountry.

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Upcoming Events

4-H Trail & Packing Clinic III

03/15/2025 09:00AM to 03/15/2025 04:00PM
Members Only

4-H Trail & Packing Clinic IV

04/12/2025 09:00AM to 04/12/2025 04:00PM
Members Only